How To Boost Adsense Earning By Correctly Positioning Ads

Increase Adsense Earning By Correctly Positioning AdSense Advertisement On Your Website Or Blog.

Adsense is simple and complicated at the same time. It is the only single sentence which we can say about AdSense with confidence. Adsense has fully revealed mystery. Rates of absence depend on many factors like the projection of ads, click on ads, type of your website and type of your website’s traffic. We can boost our AdSense earnings by revising and reviewing few important things including correct positioning of AdSense advertisements on our website or blog.

What Are Good Positions For Adsense Advertisements

Good Positions For Adsense

As we talked about “Pros and Cons of Adsense” AdSense provide you with the ability to experiment with ads and enables you to correctly position your ads by generating heat map about the performance of each ad on your website. It is recommended to experiment with your ads from position to position but there are some best practices too which are proven fruitful for every type of website or blog
  • Place your most profitable adjust in the center of your main content. Traffic has been changed now. Most of the audience moves to main content just after reading the heading. So for the sure exposure, welcome your audience at main or center of the content with and ad.
  • Include an ad in the bottom of the content just above the comment area because this will be the second stop of your traffic. Most of the people will stop here to read the final conclusion, and to know what other are saying about your content and to comment themselves. So placing an adjust in the bottom of the main content is a good practice to boost your AdSense earnings.
  • Place an ad in position with your language. If original language of your website is English, then place an ad on the left side of the content because English is always written and read from left to right. After completing one sentence, the reader will again return to the right side. So placing an ad on the left side of your English written content will increase its chances of getting the click. You can place your ad on the right side of the main content if your websites language starts from the right hand.

These were the proven fruitful and commonly adopted positions for display of ads. But it all does not end here. You can also try for header and side bars because sometimes these positions become high paying according to type and design of your website. Try to find the correct position for your ads instead of increasing their number. Increasing the quantity of advertisement will cause a decrease in low click through rate. To get a maximum reward through AdSense, always keep an eye on your website design and interaction of your audience with your website. Always choose the right ad type which gets dissolve in your websites personality and increase surfing experience. Keeping these points in mind will not only increase your earnings but will also increase the reputation of your website.